This website is devoted to projects about the history of Market Harborough in Leicestershire.
by the website team
HWU3A Retail Premises Project
Part of the National U3A High Street Project (includes results for other streets)
by Harborough Welland U3A
The High Street Project
This continuing project looks at the occupancy of premises on the High Street over the years. PROJECT CLOSED
by Dave & Lois Gladdish and Peter Mothersole
World War One - Men of Mkt Harborough
A resource of information about the men from Market Harborough who served in the forces during the First World War. PROJECT CLOSED
by Pat Perkins, John Standish and Peter Mothersole
The History of 48 High Street
This project focuses on the history of 48 High Street.
by Dr John Hammond
Working at Mawer & Saunders
A personal account of working at the High Street hardware shop Mawer and Saunders from 1940 to 1958. PROJECT CLOSED.
by John Pendered
Architectural features of local buildings
The architectural features of some interesting buildings within Market Harborough. THIS PROJECT NEEDS SOMEONE TO CONTINUE IT.
by Dave & Lois Gladdish and Peter Mothersole
Oral History Project
Recording peoples' experiences of growing up or working in Market Harborough. THIS PROJECT NEEDS SOMEONE TO CONTINUE IT.
by Dave Gladdish, Gordon Birch & Dr Len Holden
Historical Stories
Publish your story (fact or fiction) about Market Harborough. THIS PROJECT NEEDS SOMEONE TO CONTINUE IT.
by several authors
Resources and Links
Some interesting things about Market Harborough.
by the website team